Customer Success Story

Multinational Manufacturer Selects Devo to Replace Splunk

Wanted: A solution that end users can learn quickly

This major multinational manufacturer had been using Splunk as its SIEM but lost access to the staff who were familiar with operating the platform. As a result, the company was left with a complex piece of software and no subject-matter experts who could generate insights from the platform and train other team members.

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Quick Facts


  • Manufacturing


  • North America
  • Latin America
  • EMEA
  • Asia


The company lost the team that operated its Splunk Enterprise Security deployment. The manufacturer deemed it too expensive to recruit new Splunk experts. The company decided it needed a new, user-friendly solution with which current staff could quickly become proficient.


  • A single pane of glass that would incorporate all threats
  • The ability to ingest SAP and SCADA data as well as CrowdStrike, Cylance, Active Directory and OKTA
  • The ability to detect “impossible traveler” scenarios and flag compromised users
  • A user-friendly solution the company’s current team could seamlessly integrate


The Devo Platform was a perfect fit as the company’s new SIEM. The manufacturer’s existing team easily implemented the Devo Platform, eliminating the need to hire outside experts. Devo seamlessly replaced Splunk with improved performance, even detecting — within minutes — a security breach Splunk had missed.

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