Reflecting on 2023: Evolving our Product, Deepening Partnerships, and Staying Committed to the Security Community 

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2023 Review

As the new year approaches, security professionals and analysts alike are taking a step back to review what has transpired over the past twelve months. At Devo, 2023 was an exciting year full of change and progress. As we look forward to 2024, we want to take some time to reflect on Devo’s year across product enhancements, analyst recognition, partnerships, and community engagement. 

Devo’s product evolution 

Most SIEMs cannot scale to collect and manage the data they need to protect an organization. The threat landscape and attack surface keep expanding – and so SIEMs themselve need to evolve as well. 

The Devo Security Data Platform, powered by our HyperStream technology, works with any data type and offers limitless scalability. HyperStream enables alerts and insights to happen in real-time with zero lag time. Devo’s product functionality also offers broad support for multiple security use cases across SIEM, SOAR, and UEBA. 

Throughout 2023, Devo has built upon this foundation and added the following features to its security data platform: 

  • DeepTrace: An autonomous alert investigation and threat hunting solution that uses attack-tracing artificial intelligence (AI) to advance how security teams identify attacks, investigate threats, and secure their organizations. By combining cutting-edge analytics and AI, analysts are empowered to autonomously perform investigations at machine speed.
  • Additions to Devo’s MITRE Attack Adviser App: The free app maps alerts and log sources to MITRE ATT&CK tactics and techniques via alert heatmaps, alert coverage maps, and log source coverage maps. Enhancements to the app in 2023 included application configuration based on relevancy, multi-domain filters, and improved export. 
  • Collective Defense: a community-based intelligence-sharing program that provides knowledge of threat activity and trends exclusively to Devo customers and partners. 
  • Support for Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF): Devo now ingests OCSF data so that users can leverage AWS Security Data Lake. This new service enables our mutual customers to create a specialized data lake to store security data.
  • Devo Behavioral Analytics: provides a solution for UEBA that goes beyond legacy approaches. Rather than focus purely on the analytics, dashboards, and models, Devo concentrated first on the data needed to properly supply those models. The result is a highly scalable, performant data system that enables these models to run more efficiently. 

Continuing to be recognized by leading analyst firms 

Devo was recognized as a challenger in the most recent Garner Magic Quadrant for SIEM. Through 2023, we have continued to receive analyst validation of our product and company mission toward helping organizations unleash the power of the SOC: 

We are encouraged by these external analysts’ reports and opinions as they align closely with Devo’s mission and future roadmap in 2024 and beyond.

Deepening partnerships 

We continued to forge relationships with partners that allow our customers to be as successful and efficient as possible. A few of our notable partnerships include: 

  • CyberMaxx: CyberMaxx fully integrated Devo Intelligent SIEM into its MaxxMDR solution. Customers can now combine defensive services with proactive offensive capabilities for comprehensive security coverage.
  • Binary Defense: Fully integrated Devo’s cloud-native SOAR and SIEM into its open extended detection and response service.
  • HCL: India’s $11 billion dollar IT services company launched an updated MDR offering built on Devo.
  • Singtel: One of the four major telcos operating in Singapore, Singtel has chosen Devo as the customer-facing SIEM for its MSSP business.

Devo in the Community

Last but not least, we hosted several community-focused moments over the year that celebrated, recognized, and allowed us to remain committed to being an ally for security professionals across industries.

  • SOC Analyst Appreciation Day (SAAD): We gathered for our third annual analyst event that celebrated all the hard work, challenges, and triumphs of today’s SOC Analysts. You can check out all the on-demand content here if you missed it! 
  • Devo’s SOC Analyst Career Guide: Premiering in hard copy at our BlackHat booth, this guide (also available digitally) covers all aspects of a SOC analyst’s career, including how to shine, advance, and find balance in the SOC. 
  • Women in Cyber Panel: Women from the security community gathered to share their experiences and advice for other women looking to grow their cybersecurity careers. 

Let’s go 2024 
We want to thank the community, our customers, and partners for a great 2023, and we look forward to even more progress in 2024.

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