Beyond Burnout: Key Takeaways from SOC Analyst Appreciation Day 2024

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SOC Analyst Appreciation Day

Feeling overwhelmed by alerts? You’re not alone. At SOC Analyst Appreciation Day (SAAD) 2024, we heard from countless analysts facing the same challenges of burnout, perfectionism, and the need for mentorship. With a fantastic line-up of speakers, including John Hammond, Ron Eddings, Peter Coroneos from Cybermindz, and other security leaders, this year’s event provided valuable insights and sparked engaging discussions.

During the event, we had a live chat in which attendees–seasoned and aspiring cyber professionals from around the world–added their insights to the day’s presentations. Here’s a roundup of the big takeaways:   

Taking Time for Your Mental Health Makes a Difference

We’ve known analyst burnout is a huge issue in the cyber industry for quite some time. In 2023, Devo conducted a survey with Wakefield Research, which found that 83% of IT security professionals admitted they or someone in their department made errors due to burnout that led to a security breach. This year, Peter Coroneos of Cybermindz returned to SAAD to discuss the science of burnout and lead a meditation

The response in the chat was overwhelming; attendees said they related to feelings of burnout on nearly a daily basis, primarily driven by the volume of alerts they receive and the pressures of working in the SOC. Many attendees also said their burnout manifests as anxiety, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping. After Peter’s 15-minute meditation, the chat was rife with messages from attendees saying they felt more relaxed and clear-headed. The tangible impact attendees noticed shows that taking a break to prioritize your mental health during the day can make a meaningful difference–whether that’s doing a meditation, going for a walk, or talking to a loved one.  

Perfectionism is Hurting Progress

The chat discussion on burnout also brought up a conversation on perfectionism as a driving factor. Many attendees said that the (internal and external) pressure to know how to handle every alert or catch every red flag for a potential incident leads them to feel paralyzed, furthering the feelings of overwhelm that drive their burnout. 

Analysts often feel reluctant to ask questions and bring up their mistakes. Here are some tips straight from the chat on overcoming perfectionism: 

  • “Be honest when you make a mistake the moment you realize it. Try to think of an initial solution, but if you can’t come up with one, go straight to management with the situation.”
  • For SOC managers: “It’s important to have a team culture where individual mistakes result in a manager asking: ‘How could I have provided better training/preparation to help my team avoid this?’ That should be followed by hands-on help with fixing the issue.”
  • “Embrace imperfection when learning. We aren’t going to know everything, and we’re not expected to. Look at challenges with a learning-focused mindset, shifting from ‘I don’t know’ to ‘I don’t know…yet.’”

Cyber Professionals Are Seeking Mentorship

This year’s event had two presentations focused on career tips for cyber professionals: Caitlin Sarian shared tips for breaking into and excelling in the industry, and a panel of seasoned security leaders shared their experiences. Both sessions highlighted the importance of mentorship for career development, and the chat was flooded with messages from attendees asking how to find mentors and foster those relationships. 

The main takeaway? Reach out! Our presenters encouraged attendees to reach out to fellow analysts or managers in their organizations or connect with cyber professionals they admire on LinkedIn. They also recommended finding local cyber-focused networking groups to connect with like-minded analysts in your area. If you’re looking for more tips, check out Devo’s SOC career guide

Did You Miss SOC Analyst Appreciation Day? 

Don’t worry! All sessions from this year’s event are available on-demand at

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