On-Demand Webinar

How to Automate Alert Triage to Improve SOC Performance

Enable your Analysts to cut through the noise while reducing their workload by 90%

Every enterprise security team is faced with the same challenge: too many alerts and not enough analysts to deal with them. Devo SOAR empowers our customers to optimize and streamline their SOCs using advanced automation. Customers see upwards of a 10X improvement in MTTR, can address 10 to 20x more alerts with the same number of security analysts, and realize up to a 95% reduction in false positive alerts.

Learn how to do the same thing in your SOC! See how to take your noisiest alert, build a playbook, and measure the results.

Additionally, Devo SOAR partner, NeoSecure, shares how they leverage Devo SOAR to boost their SOC performance and streamline alert triage.

This webinar covers:

  • Identifying the most problematic alerts
  • Recording MTTR and false positive rates
  • Defining your process for alert triage
  • Outlining effective metrics to measure results
  • Implementing triage automation
  • NeoSecure’s success with Devo SOAR

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