Cybersecurity is not a solo practice. You’ve heard the saying “it takes a village to raise a child”? Well, it takes a community to raise an effective collective defense against relentless threat actors to ensure effective cybersecurity for all organizations and users.

As the industry gathers this week in Las Vegas for Black Hat 2022, Devo will be meeting with attendees and demonstrating our next-gen cloud-native SIEM and related services. But one of our key messages will be the critical importance of community.

Community is one of the pillars of our vision of the journey to the autonomous SOC. Devo has been rapidly expanding our offerings in this area because we, our customers, and our partners all know how vital it is that no organization needs to go it alone against today’s sophisticated threat actors and their relentless, clever attacks.

Devo’s commitment to community is reflected in how we are working to expand the expertise of security teams beyond the walls of their organization. The main elements that comprise the community today are Devo SciSec, Devo Exchange and all the ready-to-install content that is available to our customers. Let’s take a quick look at our new and existing self-service capabilities that enable Devo customers to take matters into their own hands to protect their organization.

Devo Connect
This month, we launched our online user community, Devo Connect, to enable customers to connect with other Devo users and our deep team of subject-matter experts. Devo Connect will make it easier than ever for users to get started with Devo. It also will give them access to the perspectives of their fellow Devo customers and open their minds to new ways they can extract value for their business from Devo. The goal is to make being a Devo customer more valuable than ever by establishing and growing an impassioned community of Devo users.

Devo Application Developer Kit
This is a full-featured application development framework that enables our partners and customers to build their own applications that integrate seamlessly with the Devo Platform. Applications developed using the kit can be submitted to Devo Exchange, our community-based marketplace full of valuable content that customers can browse, install and manage with push-button simplicity. The kit enables customers to address advanced use cases independently, without relying on Devo services. Users and partners are empowered to build their own and share what they’ve built back to the Devo community via Devo Exchange and Devo Connect.

Collector SDK
This software development kit will enable Devo customers and partners to build their own data connectors that enable them to pull data from cloud-based sources into the Devo Platform. Customers are eager to take advantage of this offering so they can further improve the time to value they realize by being able to ingest all of the diverse data sources — including home-grown solutions — they need to run their business on their own, without always needing to rely on Devo services and support.

Devo Service Operations
The Devo Service Operations application provides advanced, yet accessible, dashboarding capabilities as well as embedded analytics that enable users to create visual analytics that are more advanced than Activeboards, but with significantly less work than using the Application Developer Kit. This is yet another valuable way for users to access valuable visual analytics with a low barrier to entry and make analytics more accessible to a wider set of user personas.

SciSec Detections
Devo launched our new SciSec team in June and since then those experts have been busy. The team carefully curates out-of-the-box detections created for high-priority use cases and emerging threats using a detection-as-code methodology to ensure industry-leading quality. SciSec detections provide coverage across use cases such as cloud security, lateral movement, and data exfiltration. They will be released through Security Operations Content Stream as well as Devo Exchange. SciSec Detections (now almost 400 and counting) enable new use cases and react quickly to industry-wide incidents on day 1.

Come visit Devo at Black Hat in booth 1374 and learn more about all we can do to help you secure your organization’s data.

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