Introducing Devo Connect, Your New Online Community

For many people, cybersecurity is merely a necessary business function. But that’s not how our customers see it. For you, cybersecurity is an ever-escalating arms race involving sophisticated operators and uncounted moving parts where a single mistake can cause an avalanche of problems.

Cybersecurity isn’t just your job, it’s your life. You are on the front lines, responsible for protecting your organization in a high-pressure environment every day. You and your team need a SIEM that works for you, and one that does exceptional work quickly and effectively. 

Devo’s mission is to provide our customers with the best SIEM on the market, one that reduces SOC pain and improves the overall quality of life for  SOC analysts. Everyone at Devo is dedicated to helping you succeed. And we work to help you achieve your goals by taking full advantage of the robust capabilities of the Devo Platform.

One of the key ways we are driving this vital partnership is by building and expanding a strong global connection between you and Devo and between you and other Devo customers.

An empowered, informed Devo community is more essential than ever as we embark on the journey to the autonomous SOC. Devo is working to enable AI-driven automation to handle the repetitive tasks of analysts reviewing alerts to determine which require action, which will free them to focus on hunting, investigating and responding to the threats that matter most to your business.

Connecting to Ensure Your Success
That said, we know SOC teams face challenges when you choose to deploy a new SIEM. Switching to Devo requires you to learn a new solution while continuing to meet the demanding needs of your job.

Knowing the challenges you face, we must support you in every way possible to enable you to be successful users of the Devo Platform. Your livelihood and the well-being of your organization depend on it. This is why the power of community is so critically important. 

Introducing Devo Connect: Your Ally on the Journey to Master Devo
Devo Connect is a new online community that empowers you and other Devo users to attain faster time to value from your Devo deployment and supports you through your journey to master Devo. Devo Connect brings together Devo users and the people of Devo to share best practices, implement new use cases, accelerate troubleshooting, and build a more powerful Devo Platform.

While Devo is easy to learn, it can be — like any advanced technology —  challenging to master. Couple that with the ever-evolving threat landscape we face today and attackers who continuously grow more sophisticated. You are racing against time to hone your skills while keeping your organization secure. 

Devo Connect enables you to tap into a community of peers, all leveraging the Devo Platform, facing the same daily challenges, and working toward the common goal of protecting their organization and its data as efficiently and painlessly as possible.

Devo Connect Benefits
There are many benefits to Devo Connect, including: 

  • Ongoing support throughout the customer journey — from onboarding to lifetime value
  • Digital engagement with Devo experts and your peers in the Devo Connect community 
  • Access to new use cases and best practices from your community peers
  • Timely information on releases and documentation resources 
  • Leverage community insights to increase your knowledge of the Devo Platform so you can achieve faster time to value 
  • Be recognized as a Devo expert once you master all the Platform has to offer 

You are not alone in this ongoing cybersecurity battle. Devo and our people are here to support you. And Devo Connect is here to augment your skills and empower you to punch above your weight.

Ready to release the full potential of your security data?

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