The Role of Community in the Journey to the Autonomous SOC

No security team — at least no effective security team — can operate successfully in a silo. Even expert teams know the value of leveraging the power of the community to build effective security content, share intelligence, and keep current with best practices.

This fourth post in our blog series introducing the journey to the autonomous SOC examines how community, when fused with data, analytics and automation, will help analysts optimize their incident response skills and leverage the latest attack techniques, making SOC management more efficient, effective and robust.

Strength in Numbers
Organizations can strengthen their SOC’s performance by working with the broader security community. Leveraging industry-sourced content and on-demand expertise will improve the organization’s security posture and enable SOC teams to:

  • Access expertise at the edges of the attack surface when they lack collective defense in-house
  • Learn from global security experts about attacks they are actively battling, especially from organizations operating in the same industry facing similar threats
  • Reciprocate by sharing what they’ve learned about improving their own organization’s security

While SOC professionals may vary in type of practice (database, security operations, service operations, machine learning, etc.), and may also be focused on a particular vendor of network technology, they still may be able to help you on-demand, complementing your own experts.

Since the concept of the autonomous SOC involves interconnectivity, this exchange of communal resources will continue to expand to become more valuable faster and more proactively for the benefit of securing the business.

Optimize Capabilities
Devo Exchange is a community-based content marketplace that extends security team capabilities and will continue to serve customers as they migrate to the autonomous SOC. With Exchange, your security team can leverage community and Devo-built content across a wide range of use cases. This enables your team to optimize their incident response capabilities and keep up with the latest attack techniques.

Delivering out-of-the-box content that’s relevant to their security ecosystem, Devo Exchange enables organizations in any industry to maximize the value of their existing third-party IT and security solutions. Partners within the Devo Exchange community can gain a competitive advantage by efficiently extending value and expertise to their customers.

The Journey is Ongoing
Transforming traditional SOCs into autonomous SOCs is a process. As it occurs, analysts will evolve from reacting to alerts and trying to determine which alerts represent serious threats. They will become value-added threat hunters who use AI and ML to protect the organization. The autonomous SOC will feature a flexible, scalable data fabric to ingest data from all sources and formats. And it will be interconnected, making it easy for SOC teams to access and apply the latest community expertise and content across the entire threat management lifecycle — today and tomorrow.

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