Unify your SOC with Endless Integrations

Enhance visibility and operational flexibility while leveraging the technologies your teams use every day.


Ubiquitous ingestion and SOC integration

The Devo Platform supports the technologies you already rely on out of the box. So, no matter where your data comes from, Devo can ingest, enrich, and offer immediate, actionable insights to accelerate SOC productivity.

Operating Systems

Network Systems

Integrate Devo into your SOC ecosystem

The Devo Platform easily connects with threat intelligence feeds, third-party SOAR platforms, ITSM tools, and more to enhance security automation, response efficiency, and cross-functional collaboration.

Threat intelligence

The Devo Platform correlates data with the latest threat intelligence to gain insights into threat actors’ tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) before they unleash attacks on your organization.


Devo SOAR’s 3rd-party integrations enable the bi-directional communication of data and response actions between Devo and external solutions. Widen the scope of possibilities for security automation while facilitating faster and more effective response and mitigation.

Third-party SOAR platforms

Use a SOAR already? Devo provides bi-directional integration with 3rd-party SOAR platforms to help analysts develop playbooks and trigger automated responses.


Devo’s tight integration with ITSM tools such as ServiceNow facilitates the response to security incidents and events, enabling a cross-functional collaboration between security and  IT teams. 

Ingest data from any source

Achieve full visibility

  • Ingest and parse all data
  • Zero data transformations
  • Any data source, any format
  • Self-service data connectors

The most useful feature for us, because of some of the issues we had previously, was the simplicity of log integrations. It’s much easier with this platform to integrate log sources that might not have standard logging connectors.i

John Busch Senior Security Engineer
KForce Logo

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