Beyond Cloud Adoption

New research from ESG explores how cloud adoption impacts security teams, including visibility, data volume and more.

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The Rise of the Cloud Evangelist

Do organizations taking different approaches to cloud security experience materially different security outcomes? The crux of the research is focused on understanding the correlation between organizations’ approaches to cloud security and their cloud security successes and failures.

Cloud evangelists lead the way

As more and more companies make the shift to the cloud, strategies to ensure the safety of their data are essential. Leading organizations are aggressively adopting cloud computing AND moving security technologies to the cloud.

Security shift to the cloud

To address scaling needs while streamlining operations, many organizations are moving security technologies such as SIEM to the cloud. The goal? Comprehensive visibility in an increasingly complex hybrid IT infrastructure.

Cloud computing = security complexity

With cloud adoption comes increased risk of cyberattacks as well as an increase in overall IT management needs. Organizations are learning to utilize additional tools and resources to ensure their operations are secure.

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